I’ve been contemplating life’s labyrinthian path lately. The path twists and turns. There’s really only one way out and one way in. I love to imagine life as one circuitous, serpentine moving meditation if we can only stay open and present to the magic and movement. There are very few straights lines. Sometimes it feels like we’re moving forward and other times like we are doubling back.✨✨✨
The earliest examples of the labyrinth are from the island of Crete, Greece. After having traveled to Crete this summer I would have to say, Crete exceeded my imagination and fully lived up to its reputation of being full of beauty, mystery, stunning scenery and ancient history. Visiting Knossos the site of the first recorded labyrinth was the fulfillment of many years of research, dreaming and study.
The word labyrinth is also connected to the symbol of the labyrs or double axe which some believe is an ancient Cretan symbol of the Goddess. 🌕
Scholars are still divided on the ancient use of labyrinths but there’s no doubt about their relevance. Symbols of the labyrinths have been found carved into rocks, minted on coins, painted on pottery and full-size labyrinths can be found scattered throughout the landscape across continents. The idea of the labyrinth may have begun in Crete but the architecture and symbology have spread far and wide - to Egypt, England, Germany, Scandinavia, Jerusalem and into the French cathedrals of Chartres, Amiens, and Rheims.
We will be walking the labyrinth pictured above in just a few short months in March as part of our Mythic Drumming retreat at Georgia O' Keefe's Ranch in Abiquiu, Mexico! Would you like to walk it too? We invite you!
For more information on the upcoming Mythic Drumming retreat please visit the event page here